As someone from Southern Kaduna, the cases you highlighted are very familiar to me. You further gave strength to the truth that is known, but for fear of their lives, people keep mum to these atrocities.

I read through your writing and all I feel is sadness in my heart. Southern Kaduna people and Kaduna state have seen serious oppression from the El-rufai.

Kudos to what you do David. Your have a strong voice.

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Those in government have failed at the basics by their inactions and actions. The Almighty that judges all, the one that reigns in all affairs of men, may his judgement be released on behalf of the blood shed and all responsible by acts of omission or commission. "That's my prayer".

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Mar 15, 2023·edited Mar 15, 2023

This is unbelievable!

How could such an institution as Oxford consort with a character as vile and pernicious as El-Rufai?

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Don't forget, Oxford and Cambridge have very deep roots in slavery and slave trade from which they are making some half-hearted attempts to free themselves from an overwhelming guilty conscience.

One shouldn't be surprised if the offspring of the SLAVE MARKET beneficiaries are making great efforts to link up with the grandkids of the demonic destroyers of the Creative -Youthful African populations of the past. But we must resist these new slave buyers and suppliers.

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Simply unbelievable!

Such catalogue of uncanny display of atrocious wickedness by a soul. One man attempting to conquer everyone who disagrees with him, even if that attempt ends in death.

One hopes Mr. El-Rufai and his entire family get the very end they deserve.

Judgement may appear slow in coming, but it will arrive all the same.

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Detailed, professional and historic. Even if this tyrant and persecutor-in-chief manages to escape justice for all his Criminal impunity, abuse of power and murders, one thing is clear. Future generations will recognize in future Study of the deliberate and conspiratorial Underdevelopment of Africa that local monsters like these who combine the deadly personalities of Hitler, Stalin and Putin, ironically, unlike their foreign heroes, placed their services at the disposal of the foreign powers who orchestrated the plans to keep their homeland backwards and in the state of dystopia we're currently in.

Kudos to the writer, the medium and their sheer courage.

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Having read through this article, the collusion between Prof Miles Larmer, Oxford University and El-Rufai is deeply troubling. Why are they directly and indirectly backing the atrocities of El-Rufai?

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Let's not forget about the illegal demolitions El -Rufai carried out even with court orders to stand down

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I remember this. Was surprised it wasn't mentioned

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Great research , only reading these now , but great work

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This write-up make me believe in the authenticity of all ur writeup,you captured everything that happened in kd accurately.this is what we have been going through in southern kd.

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This sort of intolerance and racketeering is building up in Anambra state.

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Na wa o,the list is endless.

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How can only one person be this cruel n wicked? Even the devil will be shocked.

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You are our beacon of hope. You beam light on our plight at the expense of your own safety. God will secure your path and enlarge you course in Jesus name!

I cried all through the read cause I know some of the subjects and I have experienced elrufai's devious scheme and acts even to this day

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Mar 16, 2023·edited Mar 16, 2023

When Dr. Mailafiya died, I expressed my concern about the safety of people who speak against the government. Elrufai has taken away someone who had become a role model and guide to numerous youth in my community.

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Mar 16, 2023·edited Mar 16, 2023

fantastic Investigative journalism. Well done David. MaziNnamdiKanu told us a lot of the many evils of Rufai. I won't be surprised he had his hands in the kidnapping of MaziNnamdiKanu in Kenya.


Until southern Nigerians split up from these FxlaniCabalD3vils you'll never know peace. Remember these Devils represent only 7% of Nigeria population yet kept you all hostage since 1960 and keep rigging your elections stealing your resources with help of British whose institutions they fund and in turn British steal gas and oil or buy at a heavily discounted price.

Wake up Nigerians..Break up from these fxlaniAnimals. IM NOT NIGERIAN, THANK GOD, BUT NIGERIANS HAVE TO REALISE YOUR BIGGEST PROBLEM AND ROOT OF YOUR ISSUES ARE THE BRITISH, and I wish more and more southern intellectuals (biafrans, Yoruba etc) will call them out on their evils so the world will hear.

Britain 🇬🇧 is 75% your main problem and fxlani cabal who are 7% of nigeria population are 25% your problem. Their divide and conquer tactics taught to them by their British masters is truly working

Unfortunately 93%Nigerians who are Majority are too scared to rise up to do a real revolution.

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So hope uzodinjo has money to dash Oxford but can't pay salaries or pension or gratuity.

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